
Prayer Times London – East London Mosque & Central London Mosque

When it comes to Islam, prayer is considered to be the most significant of the five pillars. Islam’s most sacred book, the Holy Quran, also stresses the significance of Salah. When it comes to becoming a Muslim, it is essential to set aside time to do five prayers every day. Five prayers a day are an excellent method to strengthen your relationship with Allah. If you are unable to hear the call of Allah or the Adhan, the following are the prayer timings in London. 

Prayer Times London - East London Mosque & Central London Mosque

About the Islamic calendar 

The Islamic calendar is divided into 12 lunar months; a lunar month is an interval between the appearance of a new Moon and another new Moon. Tradition has it that each month starts with the sighting of a new Moon, while other nations and organizations employ a computation to determine the start of a month instead. Due to the fact that a lunar month is either 29 or 30 days long, the lunar year is either 354 or 355 days long – less than the solar year, which is why Islamic dates seem earlier each year when compared to the standard Gregorian calendar.

The calculation is used to determine the day and time of the new Moon in diaries or applications. The visibility of the crescent of the new Moon is dependent on a variety of circumstances, including the number of hours that have passed since the new Moon was created, where it is in the sky after sunset, and, of course, the current weather conditions.

About the Islamic calendar 

Whenever Islamic dates are calculated based on sightings, they are only known somewhat in advance; any calendar may be wrong by a day depending on when the new Moon is really seen. While there are a number of other systems for making Islamic calendars, the Umm al-Qura Islamic calendar is the one that we are presently using.

In order to determine the dates of important Islamic holidays, such as the beginning of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which is the fasting month), the end of Ramadan, and the beginning of Hajj, we must first receive confirmation that a New Moon has been seen before making a determination.

Different Five Prayer Times in East London Mosque & In Central London Mosque

Different Five Prayer Times in East London Mosque & In Central London Mosque

This comprehensive reference to the five prayer times in London is intended for Muslims who live in the city and want to ensure that they are aware of the correct prayer hours. 

Fajr London Prayer Times

What could be better than beginning your day with the name of Allah, who is the creator of the whole universe and all included within it? The Fajr prayer, which is the first prayer of the day, is a method to express gratitude to Allah for another lovely day in your life by praising him and thanking him for his blessings. The Fajr Salah timings in London begin at the exact moment of sunrise. At this point, one can notice the emergence of a white line on the horizon that runs parallel to the ground. 

Fajr London Prayer Times

At the East London Mosque, the Adhn (call to prayer) for Fajr is issued precisely at the start time of the prayer (also the time to begin the fast when fasting). After the Adhn, the jama’ah (congregational prayer) for Fajr begins 20 minutes after the Adhn. 

Dhuhr Prayer Times London

During the Dhuhr prayer, which takes place after the Fajr prayer, when it is midday, Allah requests that you remember him once more. As a result, Muslims say the second prayer, often known as the Zuhr prayer. It is the beginning of the Dhuhr prayer times in London when the sun travels from its absolute apex to the west a bit. It is permissible to say the second prayer of the day until the size of the shadow and the height of an item are equal in size. 

Dhuhr Prayer Times London

In the months of British Winter Time (i.e. GMT), the jama’ah hour at the East London Mosque is 12.45 pm; in the months of British Summer Time, the jama’ah time is 1.30 pm. The Adhn is called 15 minutes before the start of the jama’ah (prayer).

In place of the Zuhr jummah on Fridays, there is a special Jumu’ah (Friday) communal prayer, which begins at around 1.00 pm in British Winter Time and at approximately 1.45 pm in British Summer Time. It is customary for the prayer to be preceded by a sermon that begins around 30 minutes before the prayer.

Asr Prayer Times in London

After Dhuhr or the second prayer of the day, Muslims give Asr, or the afternoon prayer, which takes place in the afternoon. This third prayer of the day is very important in Islam, as it is in many other religions. As soon as the length of an item’s shadow is larger than the object’s height, it is time to say the Asr prayer, according to Islamic tradition. 

Asr Prayer Times in London

After Mithl 2, the East London Mosque’s jama’ah period is around 15 to 30 minutes after Mithl 2. The Adhn is called 15 minutes before the start of the jama’ah (prayer). 

Maghrib Salah Times in London

Maghrib prayer is the fourth prayer of the day, and it is held at a certain time in London. After the Asr prayer, it is time to give the Maghrib prayer, which occurs when the sun begins to set in the west, and the Moon begins to rise. During the day, the most exact moment to say this prayer is after the sun has fully set in the west. You may say the prayer till the moment when the dusk fades away completely. 

Maghrib Salah Times in London

As soon as Maghrib starts, the Adhn is called to order (also the time for breakfast when fasting). According to the East London Mosque, jama’ah time begins around 7 minutes after the start time (or 15 minutes in Ramadan). 

Isha Prayer Times in London

Muslim prayer times in London include the Isha prayer time, which is when Muslims conclude their names with the Name of Allah, in the same manner, they begin their day. The Isha prayer, which is the final prayer of the day, is required in order to accomplish this. Isha Namaz’s timings in London begin when the sun has completely set, and the twilight is gone. You may say this prayer till the clock strikes midnight. 

Isha Prayer Times in London

During the winter months, the jama’ah hour at the East London Mosque is around 15 to 30 minutes after the commencement of the service, but never earlier than 7.30 pm. The Adhn is called 15 minutes before the start of the jama’ah (prayer). 

Where do these prayer times have legal standing?

If you are in the area surrounded by the M25, which includes all of London and surrounding areas, you may take advantage of these hours. The jama’ah (congregational) timings shown here are solely for the East London Mosque; other Mosques and centres set their own jama’ah times according to their own schedules. 

What should I do if I reside outside the timeframe you have set?

You should take the route taken by your local mosque. Nonetheless, if you live more than 20 miles away from your local mosque, it may be preferable to have a calendar tailored specifically to your needs.

Is it because there are significant discrepancies between certain mosques for Fajr, particularly during the summer?

Determining the beginning of Fajr (and the commencement of ‘Ish) is difficult, particularly during the long summer days in northern latitudes when the sun rises early in the morning. Scholars have handled this subject in a variety of ways, which explains why there are variances in the schedules they have created. Because atmospheric conditions over a vast region heavily impact the first spreading light of dawn, and because these variables may fluctuate significantly from day to day, ALL schedules can only provide an approximate time for Fajr. 

Wrapping Up 

A prayer, also known as Salah, is a method of communicating with Allah. When we are in Sajdah, we are in a state of complete surrender to Allah. It is now appropriate to seek Allah’s pardon for our transgressions. You must do prayers on time if you want your requests to be heard and answered. Keep the prayer times in London in mind and respond to Allah’s summons at the appropriate moment. 

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