
Facts about the ‘best National Trust property’

The Best National Trust Property

The National Trust  property looks after some of the UK’s greatest bits and wonder of cultural history, always making a fantastic day out. Exploring ancient buildings, luscious gardens and cream teas and lot more to explore with family and friends in the weekdays as well as weekends.

If you’re hangover for a lovely day out, then look no further than Mottisfont abbey in hamspire, which was rated as the Best national trust property by The telegraph Sitting just two hours from London, it could be the best and most beautiful bit of fresh air you get this year and inside as well as outside the trust property.

best national trust property

Feature of the building and when it happens

The grand 18th-century original home has had exquisite additions made to it over the years, particularly when its most famous owner Maud Russell moved in in the 1930s. The classic building was renovated into the outstanding patchwork of history it is today blending the 1930s neo-classical with Georgian beauty built around the Tudor palace.

national property in London

One of the most striking features of the place is the medieval Augustinian priory that sits on the grounds, which was founded in 1201. It fell victim to Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s and 40s but all was not lost as it formed part of the foundation on which the house still stands today. The vaulted ceiling of the cellarium is still intact too, a fascinating step backwards in time.

But the architecture is not the only draw to the place and also done fantasy idea including the gardening facility, some other unique design around the building and inside the property, the gardens near the house are carpeted with spring bulbs, ready to burst open with the warm weather  that’s soon to be here. The garden is also equipped to strut its stuff during wintertime with rich autumnal leaves and colorful  plants with more beautiful flowers. There are babbling brooks hidden away in corners waiting to be discovered as well as 1,600 acres of woodland-tenanted farmland in the local area.

Finally, its a wonder and fantasy fulfilling entertainment and relaxing spot in outside of London.


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