
How Big Is Singapore Compared To London?

In this article, we compare and contrast the two largest cities in Southeast Asia, Singapore and London. We break down the population size, GDP, and other key statistics so that you can get a more complete understanding of each city.

Size Comparison Of Singapore And London

Size Comparison Of Singapore And London

London is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with millions of people visiting every year. It stands at around 8.7 square kilometers, making it about 2.6 times the size of Singapore.

In terms of population, London has an estimated population of over 7 million people, compared to Singapore’s 5.5 million. This means that London has about three times as many people as Singapore.

One important consideration when comparing the size of cities is to take into account their respective areas. This is because different areas can make a city feel much different in terms of density and scale. In terms of density, London is much more spread out than Singapore. This allows for a greater variety of shops and restaurants to be found in London, as well as a greater number of residents living close to each other.

In terms of scale, London is also much larger than Singapore. This means that it takes longer to walk from one end of the city to the other, and that there are considerably more buildings and roads visible from any given point in London.

Overall, while London is significantly bigger than Singapore, it should not be assumed that this makes it an easier or more comfortable city to live in. Both Singapore and London have their own unique attractions and quirks that make them worth visiting.

Population Density In Singapore And London

Population Density In Singapore And London

Singapore has a population density of 5,397 people per square kilometer while London has a population density of 11,102 people per square kilometer. This means that Singapore has almost twice the population density of London! Additionally, Singapore’s population is only 5.5 million while London’s is over 10 million. This means that Singapore has a much smaller population to surface area ratio than London.

GDP In Singapore And London

The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Singapore is approximately $270 billion, while the GDP of London is estimated to be $2.6 trillion. This means that London is about threefold larger in terms of GDP than Singapore. Another way to look at this is to say that London has a population of over 8 million people while Singapore has just over 5 million people. It should be noted that the GDP per capita in Singapore is much higher than in London, at $55,000 versus $40,000. This indicates that the standard of living in Singapore is much higher than in London.

Another way to compare these two cities is to look at their population densities. London has a population density of around 8,000 people per square kilometer, while Singapore has a population density of just over 1,000 people per square kilometer. This means that there are many more people living in London than in Singapore. In terms of economic output, it is also worth noting that London generates more economic output than Singapore each year. This is due to the fact that London has a much larger economy and a larger population.

Expenses In Singapore And London

Singapore is a small country located in Southeast Asia while London is one of the world’s largest and most famous cities. The cost of living in Singapore is much lower than in London, making it an ideal place to live and work. The average cost of living in Singapore is around $2,500 per month, while in London it costs around $10,000 per month. Additionally, food and transportation are much cheaper in Singapore, making it easier to save money. In addition, the quality of life in Singapore is much better than in London. For example, there are more parks and beaches available in Singapore, and the weather is much more pleasant year-round.

Healthcare In Singapore And London

Healthcare In Singapore And London

As one of the most prosperous countries in the world, Singapore has some of the best healthcare resources available. With world-renowned hospitals and top medical professionals, residents can receive care that is second to none. In fact, according to The Economist, Singapore’s healthcare system is among the best in the world.

Despite its high standards, Singapore’s healthcare system is not without its challenges. For example, the country has a relatively high population density, which means that medical resources are limited. Additionally, many people living in Singapore travel for treatment outside of the country, which further strains resources.

Despite these limitations, Singapore’s healthcare system remains one of the best in the world. Residents can count on being treated with respect and dignity, and they will be able to get the care they need without having to worry about financial constraints.

Weather In Singapore And London

Both London and Singapore have a temperate climate with hot summers and mild winters. London has slightly more rainfall than Singapore, although the two cities have similar amounts of sunshine. The temperature in both cities varies considerably throughout the year, with high temperatures in summer and cold weather in winter.


When it comes to size, Singapore is actually much smaller than London. The total area of Singapore is just over 5,000 square kilometers, while London’s total area is over 8,500 square kilometers. This means that Singapore has a population density of just under 7,800 people per square kilometer, while London boasts a population density of more than 12,000 people per square kilometer.

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