
How Much Do London Taxi Drivers Earn?

London taxi drivers are well-paid professionals – they can earn up to £40,000 a year. But what do they actually do? In this article, we’ll answer that question and explore some of the other benefits of being a taxi driver in London.

What is A London Taxi Driver’s Salary?

A London taxi driver’s salary can vary depending on experience and location, but on average a London taxi driver earns around £24,000 per year.

How Many Hours A Day Do London Taxis Drivers Work?

Hours A Day Do London Taxis Drivers Work

Taxi drivers in London work a standard shift of 8 hours. This means that they will work for 2 days then have 4 days off.
The average London taxi driver earns £21,000 per year.

What Is The London Taxi Driver’s Hourly Wage?

The London taxi driver’s hourly wage can vary depending on the type of taxi and the location. However, on average, a London taxi driver earns around £16 per hour.

What Are The Benefits Of Being A London Taxi Driver?

There are many benefits to being a London taxi driver, not the least of which is the high level of income that comes with the job. According to The Independent, the average London taxi driver earns £21,000 per year. That’s significantly more than the average UK salary, which is £16,500 per year.

Another benefit of being a London taxi driver is the flexibility and latitude that comes with the job. Taxi drivers can work as much or as little as they want, and there’s relatively little restriction on where they can work. This allows taxi drivers to find work that fits their schedule and preferences.

Finally, being a London taxi driver has a lot of prestige attached to it. Taxi drivers are often viewed as prestigious professionals, and many people view them as trusty and reliable companions. This makes London taxi drivers well-respected in the community and gives them a lot of clout when negotiating fares or dealing with other customers.

Are London Taxi Drivers Getting A Fair Wage?

London Taxi Drivers Getting A Fair Wage

Uber has been a controversial topic in recent years, with some people praising it as a ways to get cheaper rates while others argue that it is unfair competition that is driving up the cost of taxi services. However, one thing that is clear is that Uber drivers are not earning a fair wage.

A study by the University of Oxford last year found that the average Uber driver in London was making just £8.91 an hour after expenses, which works out at just over £20,000 a year. This compares very poorly with the average London taxi driver, who earns around £17 an hour after expenses and can earn up to £60,000 a year.

So why are Uber drivers earning so much less than their traditional taxi counterparts? One reason may be that Uber drivers are not necessarily working full time hours – many of them are only working around 30 hours a week, which means they are not getting the same benefits and pay as traditional taxi drivers. Additionally, Uber drivers often have to drive more than one job – they may be driving for Uber while also doing other jobs such as being a teacher or doctor – which can add up to very little spare time for them to spend on improving their earnings.

London Cab Drivers Earn More Than Other Jobs

London cab drivers earn more than other jobs. According to The Times, London taxi drivers earn an average of £21,000 a year, more than the average salary for all UK workers. This is due in part to the higher cost of living in London, which makes it more lucrative for cab drivers to earn an income than in other cities.

Are London Taxi Drivers Overpaid?

Are London Taxi Drivers Overpaid

Do you often find yourself questioning the legitimacy of your London taxi driver’s salary? Granted, their hourly wage may seem high at first glance, but is it really worth the amount of stress and hassle they bring with them? Turns out, the answer to that question might surprise you. After all, taxi drivers in London make an average of £16 an hour – a figure that is significantly higher than the national average of £13.50.

But does that mean they’re overpaid? The answer to that question largely depends on your perspective. For some people, £16 an hour can seem like a fair wage for the level of work required. On the other hand, others may feel that taxi drivers are grossly overpaid given the lengths to which they go to earn their money – from long hours to dangerous manoeuvres. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not London taxi drivers are actually earning an excessive amount of money.


There is no one definitive answer to this question, as taxi drivers’ earnings can vary significantly depending on the city they are working in. However, according to The Independent, London taxi drivers earn an average of £21 per hour, which puts them among the highest-earning professionals in the UK.

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