
How Much Is A Hair Transplant In London?

Hair loss is a common problem that can be frustrating and embarrassing. But don’t worry, there are many treatments available for hair loss, including hair transplant surgery. In this article, we’ll provide you with information on the cost of hair transplant surgery in London, so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to undergo the procedure.

What Is A Hair Transplant?What Is A Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure to remove hair from the head. The average price for a hair transplant in London is around £6,000. The surgeon will use a number of techniques to remove hair from the head, including scalpels, scissors, lasers and minicams. Once the hair has been removed, the transplant surgeon will use a variety of methods to replace it with new hair. This can range from follicular unit extraction (FUE) – which is a technique that uses microscopes to remove individual follicles from the scalp – to Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) – which uses a syringe to inject a mixture of stem cells and miniaturised surgical instruments into the bald patches on the head.

How Does A Hair Transplant Work?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure to replace individual hairs that are lost or damaged. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia by a physician. The surgeon first removes the scalp area of concern (usually around the sides and back of the head) using a method called scalp stripping. They then use a special instrument to remove small pieces of skin at precise intervals, so as not to damage any underlying nerves or blood vessels. After these preparatory steps, the surgeon will place tiny incisions into the scalp, making several hundred individual cuts. These cuts will remove enough hair follicles from around the area of concern to fill in any gaps and create a natural-looking hair transplant.

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of A Hair Transplant?

Possible Side Effects Of A Hair Transplant

There are many possible side effects of a hair transplant, but the most common are inflammation and scarring. These can take weeks or months to heal, so it’s important to be patient and consult with your surgeon about any concerns you have.

What Is The Cost Of A Hair Transplant In London?

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most popular procedures done in London. The cost of a hair transplant in London can vary depending on the surgeon, but on average, a hair transplant can cost anywhere from £6,000 to £12,000.


Thank you for your question! A hair transplant in London can cost anywhere from £5,000 to £15,000. Prices will vary depending on the size of the hair transplant, the type of surgery being performed, and whether any anesthesia or other medically necessary procedures are included.

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